Using Fiverr to Make Money Off Your Pinterest and Gain Traffic

If you are really creative, you can use your own Pinterest following to help you make a few extra dollars and build more traffic at the same time! The benefit is it takes little to no work and you reap the benefits!
So one day I was finding a way to monetize my Pinterest. It didn’t dawn on me that “hey! I should start using Fiverr to build attention!” After a week, I actually received a gig on there and from that point I got a few more. Wanna know how I did it? Here it’s simple:
I basically set up a gig where I said I would repin some of your website links for 5 bucks. If you wanted more, I’d simply charge more. The main thing is picking an area of interest such as recipes, fashion, health, fitness and anything else that would garner views on a site such as Pinterest.
I would get paid for my services yet I would build followers at the same time due to tapping into another niche. Remember, you can build tons of followers just by learning how to repin properly. I even built 100+ followers in less than a month. You can very easily manipulate this yourself!
What I plan to do now is probably act as more of a brand consultant and help promote your brands. However, I will start by creating and promoting boards. You can check out my advertising and Pinterest Consulting tab for that info. There are great guides out there that will help you build your Fiverr and Pinterest up.
The great thing about Fiverr now is how you can charge up to $40 depending on your gig. It’s a good way to get extra money. In fact, it led me to making $128 and a long term branding relationship. The right brand and the right timing will greatly help you as far as doing well from monetizing your Pinterest. Remember, this is just one of a number of ways you’ll be allocate your Pinterest traffic into funds.
What are some ways you use Pinterest for your monetization efforts? Do you use affiliate products, do you use Pinterest for Business, or another way? Drop a note below!
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